Hawaiian Shirt Project


For this assignment, I had to make a Hawaiian shirt graphic in Adobe Illustrator. The graphic had to include all the elements of a Hawaiian shirt, so that had to include the overall design of a Hawaiian shirt, the pattern on the shirt, the buttons, and the Aloha label.


-Adobe Illustrator 

Creative Process

When I was working on this project, I had to figure out what the graphic for the pattern was going to be, as with most projects like this one, the world was my oyster and I had trouble coming up/choosing a graphic to make. In the end I ended up going off of a icon/graphic of a squid from the Splatoon games.

Adobe Illustrator with the Splatoon squid icon/graphic.
The blob brush artwork that I did based on the picture, and it's almost a perfect match to the original.
The picture of the Hawaiian shirt that was provided as a guideline and I do have to admit I constructed and coloured the shirt before making the graphic.
the rework production of the Hawaiian shirt
recolouring the Hawaiian shirt to the colour scheme I decided to go with. Also notice the different shades of blue around the collar area
Making the pattern(s) for the Hawaiian shirt, as I did the same for the sleeve patterns only except I had to tilt the design to achieve that step and have the patterns added to the swatches panel.    
adding the patterns to the shirt and using the arrow keys to offset the designs
after that I had to make the buttons for the shirt using a radial gradient to add some depth to it and also punching holes in the button for the stitches. ​​​​​​​
I copied the button graphic so that I could put the buttons on the shirt.
looking for a linen label texture on google images.
the linen label texture in Adobe Illustrator ​​​​​​​
The name of the company/distributor plus a graphic of green ink splotches ​​​​​​​
Putting the company name and graphic on the label and making them both transparent to show the linen texture underneath. 
Adding the stitches onto the label by simply using a line to almost border the label and then making it a dotted and rounded line and then later put on the shirt.   
Adding a sample of the pattern.
Lastly, adding the name of the shirt and my name.
The final product in Adobe Illustrator 
The Final Product

Throughout this project I felt a little bit nervous but also proud of my progress. This was the case until I was almost done with the project, finishing most of it in class and feeling confident knowing I could bring it home and finish it there (this was mostly last minute work, Sort of). This is where things get, well interesting (quick personal story here by the way). I basically forgot to take out my USB drive out of the computer on the day that it was due, so when I got home I had to literally start the entire project again from scratch, but I managed to finish in what little time I had then (also I really felt relieved once I found my USB a week later). The process that is shown here was from the second attempt. So from this experience, I had to learn that when I'm doing projects digitally, I have to save them in more than one place. If I had more time to do this project I would have definitely finish the first version that I initially had. The same thing can be said if I hadn't forgotten my USB.
So here I have decided to post the unfinished first version too, before I forgot my USB drive that day. 

The first version.
Hawaiian Shirt

Hawaiian Shirt
